Participate in Shaping India’s Future: Share Your Views on the Uniform Civil Code

Participate in Shaping India’s Future: Share Your Views on the Uniform Civil Code

The 22nd Law Commission of India has taken a significant step towards seeking public opinion on the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). In a commendable move, the Commission has opened its doors to the general public and recognized religious organizations, inviting their views and ideas on this crucial matter. This is an opportunity for citizens to actively contribute to the formation of a legal framework that aims to establish equality and harmonious coexistence among diverse communities in India. To participate in this democratic process, individuals can share their thoughts within the specified time frame of 30 days, starting from June 14th, 2023.

Your Chance to Make a Difference: The Law Commission’s decision to involve the public and religious organizations in the discussions regarding the Uniform Civil Code reflects a commendable commitment to democratic principles. It acknowledges the significance of diverse perspectives and aims to ensure that the voices of all stakeholders are heard. This is an opportune moment for every citizen to play an active role in shaping the future of India’s legal landscape.

How to Share Your Views: To present your views on the Uniform Civil Code, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Visit the official website: [Insert hyperlink to]
  2. In the second paragraph, click the link labeled “click here” to access the submission form.
  3. Fill in the required details, including your name, contact information, and any organizational affiliation. If you are an individual, select “Individual” in the organization column.
  4. In the “Suggestion” section, choose the option to provide your suggestion in words.
  5. Write the following statement: “I AM IN FAVOUR OF THE UNIFORM CIVIL CODE. ONE NATION, ONE LAW.”

By following these steps, you can express your support for the Uniform Civil Code and contribute to the ongoing discussion on this vital issue. Remember, your opinion matters, and every viewpoint adds value to the decision-making process.